जीवाजी विश्‍वविद्यालय, ग्वालियर (स्थापना वर्ष 1964)

Director College Development Council

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Director college Development Council

The office of the Director college Development Council (DCDC) acts as an intermediary between the university and its Affiliated Colleges. It plans for the integrated development of the Affiliated Colleges and provides them with the required necessary help and guidance. The College Development Council (CDC) comprises members from university, affiliated colleges and administration and meets at least once in a year. Beside, this the principal’s conference (Chaired by the Vice Chancellor) is organized at least twice a year to discuss various academic and administrative issues relating to the affiliated colleges.

The objective of college Development Council is to organize conferences and seminars to restructure and guide the educational requirements of Gwalior – Chambal region so affiliated colleges impart education/ skill needed by the country. The office of DCDC will help colleges to get NAAC aecreditation, 12 B and 2 F from UGC. The DCDC office will send recommendation to the State Higher Education in order to regulate the approval of courses.

The office of the DCDC deals with the matters related to Developments, Affiliation and Approvals of the opening of new colleges or new course. Fresh appointment under section 28/17 of faculty in the Affiliated Colleges are also made through this office. The procedure and proformas regarding Affiliation, Approvals, Appointments etc. have been put on this web-site so that the Affiliated Colleges may download these whenever there is a requirement of these documents.