- Fermentation Technology
- Botany II Sem Notes on Embryology-I
- M.Sc. Botany II Sem on “Plant Tissues”
- M.Sc. BOTANY on “Meiosis”
- M.Sc. Botany
- M.Sc. Botany 204 Plant Biochemistry
- M.Sc. Botany / Microbiology “Meiosis
- M Sc. Botany 204 (Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism) Oxidation of Fatty Acid
- M.Sc. Botany
- Botany B.Sc. I year (Hon.) unit 2 paper II 102 Anatomy and Morphology of Ephedra
- B.Sc. I year paper II 102 Unit 2: Reproductive cycle in Ephedra
- Bot. 402 (Cytology and Molecular Biology of Plants) Variation in Chromosome Structure and Number
- Bot. 402 (Cytology and Molecular Biology of Plants) Variation in Chromosome Number
- General Principle Of Plant Quarantine, (Dr. Sapan Patel) M.Sc. Botany
- Bot. 402 (Cytology and Molecular Biology of Plants) Eukaryotic genome organization
- Bot. 204 (Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism) Glyconeogenesis vs Glycolysis
- General Principle Of Plant Quarantine, (Dr. Sapan Patel) M.Sc. Botany
- Bot. 204 (Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism) role of Krebs cycle
- Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism (204) Chemiosmatic regeneration of ATP
- Cytology and Molecular Biology of Plants (402): Signal Transduction
- Ph D course work Life Sciences (Botany): Probiotics
- Bot. 204 (Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism) concept of free energy
- Bot. 204 (Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism) Synthesis of ATP by Oxidative Electron Transport Chain
- Paper code 402 Cytology and molecular biology of plants: Topic DNA PACKAGING
- 204 Plant biochemistry and metabolism (M.Sc IInd Semester):Topic Biosynthesis of Amino Acids unit 5
- Audio lecture: Rust of wheat
- Audio lecture: B. Thuringiensis as Bacterial Insecticide
- Audio lecture: Even and Odd Chain Fatty Acids.