VC Desk

Dear students, faculties and all stakeholders of the esteemed Jiwaji University,

It brings me immense pleasure to address you all today out of all days. Because today marks the beginning of a new journey, a new dawn, a new chance to march towards our vision and mission with renewed strength and eagerness. The vision to continue to establish Jiwaji University as a frontier and leading University for academic excellence and innovation.The mission to be a flagship of research development that meets industry and national needs, all the while keeping students and excellence at the core.

Before you read any further, I would like each of the stakeholders to pause for just a moment and to believe that they are truly at the center of innovation and possibilities. Jiwaji university, a vast epicenter of knowledge, is approximately 57 years old, covers 8 districts with more than 3,00,000 students enrolled overall including more than 400+ affiliate colleges. It is home to more than 75 departments and centres with ever evolving facilities of incubation cell, sprawling academic centres like centre for bioinformatics, centre for IT, centre for entrepreneurship etc. translational research, examination centres, conventional centers with unique infrastructures, wellness centres and much more. It is truly an institute of prosperity and together we will take it to new heights.

As a Vice Chancellor, it is my honour to be of this service. In lieu of the same honor, I commit to student and Institutional upliftment, financial sustainability and process improvements in our journey together. I am dedicated to bringing in transformational changes, including digitisation of mandatory procedures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of each and every member of Jiwaji University.

It is truly one of the greatest times in the education and research industry with the emergence of many revolutionary reforms. I aim to be your stalwart leader and rope in this new world to ring in the era of advancement in all fields and through all perspectives. It is my earnest belief that this year is truly ours.

With that, I leave you to bask in the celebrations of the new year with your friends and family and rejoice in the arriving joyous prosperity.

A happy and prosperous 2022 to one and all.


Avinash Tiwari
Vice Chancellor, Jiwaji University