Tender and Quotation 2018

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  • Tender and Quotation 2018
S.NoTender NameDate Of OpeningDownloadStatus
1Quotation for Purchase Furniture22/12/2018view moreclose
2Quotation Invitation Letter21/12/2018view moreclose
4Regarding to buy Locker03/12/2018view moreclose
5Regarding to buy Furniture03/12/2018view moreclose
6Quotation for Repairing of students dual desk, Jiwaji University Gwalior14/11/2018view moreclose
7Revised E-Tender for Printing, Stationary, Binding, University Record Digitalisation work, Tent and Decoration work, Light work & Other work12/11/2018view moreclose
8Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Environment Science02/11/2018view moreclose
9Quotation for supply Air Quality display unit (complete) in SOS in Environment Science02/11/2018view moreclose
11Tender Invitation for Stationery (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
12Tender Invitation for Printing Part – B (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
13Tender Invitation for Printing Part – A (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
14Tender Invitation for Light (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
15Tender Invitation for Binding (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
16Tender for Tent (E-Tender Online)09/10/2018view moreclose
17E-Tender Notice for P.U. Flooring and LED light and other work06/10/2018view moreclose
18Limited tender of Botany- 201806/10/2018view moreclose
19E-Tender Notice06/10/2018view moreclose
20Tender for P.U. Flouring and 1000 Lux LED Ligh and other work06/10/2018view moreclose
21E-TENDERS INFORMATION06/10/2018view moreclose
22Quotation for Autoclave (vertical) and Serological water bath-reg04/10/2018view moreclose
23Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Physics01/10/2018view moreclose
24Quotation for Supply Item in Central Library28/09/2018view moreclose
25Extension of Date Inviting Quotation28/09/2018view moreclose
26Quotation for Lyophilizer-reg.24/09/2018view moreclose
27Quotation for Wooden Table Repairing at SOS Management22/09/2018view moreclose
28E-Tender for Event Management of XLI All India Botanical Conference14/09/2018view moreclose
29Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Zoology23/08/2018view moreclose
30Quotation for Supply the Voucher files23/08/2018view moreclose
31REVISED TENDER FOR CLEANING WORK11/08/2018view moreclose
32Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Biotechnology04/08/2018view moreclose
33Quotation for supply the instruments in Institute of Engineering02/08/2018view moreclose
34Quotation Regarding Purchasing Bookshelves02/08/2018view moreclose
35Quotation for Repair of University Campus Water Coolers30/07/2018view moreclose
36Tender for Binding Work12/07/2018view moreclose
37Tender for Light and Decoration work12/07/2018view moreclose
38Quotation12/07/2018view moreclose
39TENDER FOR CLEANING WORK11/07/2018view moreclose
40Quotation for Galav Sabhagar11/07/2018view moreclose
41Quotations for binding books / magazines30/05/2018view moreclose
42Quotation for supply the instruments in Central Instrumentation Facility25/05/2018view moreclose
43Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Microbiology24/05/2018view moreclose
44Quotation for supply the instruments in SOS in Biochemistry24/05/2018view moreclose
45Quotation for Rev. Executive Chair Leoma with head rest15/05/2018view moreclose
47Quotation Rates for Pump Repair Work20/04/2018view moreclose
48Supply & Installation of Attendance & Access Control System16/04/2018view moreclose
49Quotation Invitation for Providing Rates of Euroclean WD x213/04/2018view moreclose
50Auction Notification for Vehicles13/04/2018view moreclose
51Quotation Invitation for Repair of University Campus Coolers09/04/2018view moreclose
52Regarding Providing Rate of Godrej Locker05/04/2018view moreclose
53Quotation for supply of Utensils and Tools for ATK06/03/2018view moreclose
54Quotation for supply of Enconditioning System, SOS in Biochemistry, Jiwaji University, Gwalior06/03/2018view moreclose
55Quotation – To get Godrej Furniture Rates28/02/2018view moreclose
56Quotation for wooden table repairing at SOS in Management Jiwaji University, Gwalior27/02/2018view moreclose
57Quotation Invitation for the Instrument21/02/2018view moreclose
58Quotation for Conference Table at Chemistry Department, Jiwaji University Gwalior20/02/2018view moreclose
59Quotation Rate for Proceeding Print16/02/2018view moreclose
60Quotation to Purchase kit for the Seminar Held – “Contrubution of Folk Tradition to Indian Culture” March 17-18, 201816/02/2018view moreclose
61Quotation for Printing Work(Brochure, Invitation card, Certificate Abstract etc.) – “Contrubution of Folk Tradition to Indian Culture” March 17-18, 201816/02/2018view moreclose
62Quotation for Pump Repair work12/02/2018view moreclose
63Qutation for Prosiding Printing12/02/2018view moreclose
64Qutation for Folder06/02/2018view moreclose
65Quatation for Printing06/02/2018view moreclose
66Quotation05/02/2018view moreclose
67Quotation for Lab Fermentor Instrument05/02/2018view moreclose
68Online E-Tender Notice for Purchase of Fluoroscence Microscope05/02/2018view moreclose
69Quotation Invitation for Sound, LED Screen and Photographer / Videography03/02/2018view moreclose
70Quotation for Instrument02/02/2018view moreclose
71CORRIGENDUM : Integrated University Management System25/01/2018view moreclose
Quotation – Software Proposal for CM Helpline and Call Center Complaints Management System24/01/2018view moreclose
CORRIGENDUM : Integrated University Management System19/01/2018view moreclose
Quotation for supply of Laboratory rack – SOS in Neuroscience, Jiwaji University, Gwalior18/01/2018view moreclose
Quotation for Table Utensils and tools for Bakery17/01/2018view moreclose
CORRIGENDUM NO-I Integrated University Management System16/01/2018view moreclose
E-tender notice for Light & Decoration Work16/01/2018view moreclose
E- TENDER for Window and Split AC Units15/01/2018view moreclose
Qutation for JCB Machine and tractor rates to be provided for cleaning work15/01/2018view moreclose
Tender for supply the Instruments in Institute of Engineering, Jiwaji University, GwaliorQuotation for supply of Wall Calendar06/01/2018view moreclose
Quotation for supply of Wall Calendar02/01/2018view moreclose