- Study Material
- Entrepreneurship From Kratika Pradhan
- First Paper- Geo morphology
- Second Paper- Economic Geography
- B.Sc. 1st year 101 hindi language and moral values
- B.Sc. 1st year 102 English language
- B.Sc 2nd year 202 English language
- B.Sc 2nd year 203 Environment studies
- B.Sc 2nd year 201 hindi language and moral values
- B.Sc 2nd yr Physics optics
- B.Sc 1st yr Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- B.Sc 1st yr physics mathematical physics mechanics and properties of matter
- B.Sc 3rd year 301 hindi language and moral values
- B.Sc 3rd year 302 English language
- B.Sc 3rd yr. basic of computer and information technology
- Drawing and Panting
- RTM 101 Statistical Methods for Rural Management (Final)
- BA BSC BCOM Foundation Course
- BA Economics
- BA Hindi Literature
- BA History
- BA Political Science
- BA Sanskrit Literature
- BA Sociology
- Bachelor of Journalism
- M.A public Administrative privius
- M.A. (Final) History
- M.A. (Previous) English
- Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
- MBA CSMM Final
- Reporting and writing Skills
- Project Work
- Introduction and History of journalism
- Public Relation and Advertisement
- Carrier Planning Development
- News paper management & Press laws
- Introduction to mass communication
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Planning
- Electronic Media
- Editing and Layout Designing
- Concept of DBMS
- History of Hindi Literature
- Bhartiyaevam Paschatya Kavya Shastra
- Development Communication
- History of Medieval Indian Culture from (1206 AD to 1707 AD)
- Computer Organization & Architecture
- Development of Media
- Concept of History Writing and Modern Thought
- Advanced Library Organizations and Management Academic Library System
- Darshan