School of Studies In Earth Science

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Profile of the Department:

Scientific and systematic exploration of available rocks and minerals require a center of higher learning engaged in teaching and research at postgraduate and higher levels. This region falls under the semi-arid zone, where the surface water resources are depleting very fast. Hence there is an immediate need of systematic exploration of ground water for the future requirement of this essential commodity. Moreover, there is a dire need of investigation of the Chambal basin from the point of view of geological and geomorphologic studies having stress on ecological and environmental aspects. These studies may also throw light on the reclamation problems of the ravine region. The result of all information, thus available, shall have a strong bearing on the socioeconomic development of Gwalior region. It is with these aims and objectives; the School of Studies in Earth Science was established with a Master degree course in Earth Science in 1991. Apart from providing job opportunities for young and aspiring students of the region, the School has opened an avenue of effective and viable interaction with national establishments and industries related to various aspects of geology. The requirement of personnel qualified and trained in Remote Sensing and GIS application in different fields has been increasing over the past years. Keeping that in view Jiwaji University, Gwalior, has introduced a full time post graduate Course, M.Sc. in Remote Sensing & GIS from the academic year 2002. The School is currently engaged in active research in the fields of Petrology, Geochemistry, Mineral Exploration, Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing Geology, Geomorphology and Environmental Geology. The Major thrust areas for research are Precambrian Geology, Geoexplorations and Environmental studies in Base Metals, Coal, Chambal basin, Bundelkhand Granites, and Watershed Management and Planning.

Programmes Offered:
M.Sc. Geology-

Geology, the science of earth has contributed immensely in the construction industry, in the steel manufacturing industry, in energy resources, in environmental management, in petroleum and groundwater exploration to mention but just a few. With the current scientific and technological advances, including space missions, geology has its major role today and in the coming future. Since its inception in 1991 through this course a significant number of professional geologists have been trained and working in the various government institutions, universities and in the private sectors. This course offers core areas of specialisation in geology include Mineralogy and Petrology, Economic Geology and Mineral Resources, Environmental Geo-science, Applied Geology, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Groundwater Resources Management, Mineral Exploration and Remote Sensing Geology. The accomplishments of our teaching, research, and professional programs are a tribute to the extraordinary efforts of the faculty, students, backed up by a highly motivated support staff which embraces the Jiwaji University vision and mission.

M.Sc. Remote sensing and GIS-

The remarkable developments in space borne remote sensing technology and its various applications during the last three decades have firmly established its immense potential for mapping and monitoring various natural resources and natural disasters. In the recent past, there has been tremendous development in the field of Remote Sensing data collection, analysis and utilization. The science of remote sensing is no more an art of map-making from satellite images. It is a form of information technology where real digital data are converted to information, which in turn aid to the knowledge base for sound decision making. Another significant development leading to wide use of remote sensing data has been the general advancement on computational capability. Image processing facilities, which were earlier restricted to selected major research establishments have now become widely available with the advent of microcomputers and low-cost image processing equipment. The digital data handling led to the development of Geographic Information System followed by another innovation of Global Positioning System. Remote Sensing coupled with GIS and GPS techniques has dramatically enhanced human capability of resource exploration, mapping and monitoring on local as well as global scale. To cater the need of qualified and trained persons in the field of remote sensing, this university has started this course in 2002 under the UGC Innovative Program. Since then students from various states such as Nagaland, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Bihar have passed out from this Centre. Almost all the students have been absorbed by various GIS companies in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, etc. The course has been initiated for the innovative development of Remote Sensing and GIS programs, integration of the technologies into geosciences, and a wide spectrum of research in this field. The course aims at developing multidimensional programs of teaching and research in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS. This is one of the few institutions to have introduced M.Sc. course of this nature in the country and is the first Centre in the State of Madhya Pradesh to impart such degree course.

Contact Person:

Dr. S.N. Mahapatra,
Professor & Head,
Cell : 9893361185
Email:[email protected]

Teaching Faculty:
  • Dr. S.N. Mohapatra (Professor & Head)
M.Sc. Geology M.Sc. Remote sensing and GIS
About courseM.Sc. Geology
Course duration2 Years
Number of semester4 Semesters
Criteria of admissionB.Sc. with 50% marks. However, in case of having same merit index, Preference will be given, with Geology as one subjects in B.Sc.
Process of admissionOn the basis of the merit in Index based on the qualifying examination..
Fees structureI Semester-Rs. 9720.50 , II Semester-Rs. 5600.00, III Semester-Rs. 6660.00, IV Semester-Rs. 5600.00
Available seats :

Open = 20 Payment = 05

Payment Seat: M.Sc. - Rs. 11000/- additional per year to the fees for Open Seat

Syllabus as per semester wise 
Exam Time Table 
About courseM.Sc. Remote sensing and GIS
Course duration2 Years
Number of semester4 Semesters
Criteria of admissionB.Sc. / BE / B.Tech. With 50% marks.
Process of admissionOn the basis of the merit in Index based on the qualifying examination..
Fees structureI Semester-Rs. 23220.00 , II Semester-Rs. 19100.00, III Semester-Rs. 20160.00, IV Semester-Rs. 19100.00
Available seats :

Open = 20 Payment = 05

Payment Seat: M.Sc. - Rs. 11000/- additional per year to the fees for Open Seat

Syllabus as per semester wise 
Exam Time Table