- M.Sc. Env. Chemistry on “HPLC”
- M.Sc. Env. Chemistry on “NanoTech”
- M.Sc. II Sem Env. Chemistry paper 202 ppt unit 5 on “Mass Spectroscopy
- M.Sc. Env Science on “Integrated Approach to Env. Management
- Mass Spectrometry part 1
- Lectures – Addition Reactions, Regioselectivity, Chemoselectivity and Free Radicals
- Concept of Validation
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Paper 202 Unit 5
- M.Sc.-II Sem (Industrial Chemistry) Drying ( Unit V)
- M.Sc.-II Sem (Industrial Chemistry) Unit-IV Operation Filtration
- Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Phytoremediation applications