
Instructions for Completion and Submission of Internal Assignments
  • In general a total of 30 marks are allotted for Internal assessment in each paper. Students to be sure should visit scheme of their course.
  • An assignment shall carry a total of 10 questions in each subject out of which a student has to attempt any five.
  • Answers of the assignments should be handwritten that should cover all the aspects of the attempted question.
  • Make sure that your answers are simple, clear, logical, consists of diagrams, if required, and comprehensible.
  • Do not just reproduce answer from the book reading material.
  • Do not copy answer sheet of other students, if noticed, the assignment of such students will be rejected.
  • Students are required to submit the assignments in the same semester at or before a notified date and he/she shall not be allowed to submit preceding semester‘s assignments.
  • Assignment submitted later, any time after the last date of submission will attract fine. In no case assignments for preceding semester shall be accepted.
  • It is compulsory to submit your assignments for each subject, failing which the student will not be assessed for internal evaluation and the student may lose internal marks. In order to become eligible for respective Semester-End exams a student has to complete assignments to the satisfaction of the authority.
  • The assignments will be evaluated by the approved teachers and the marks allotted by them will be full and final.
  • Combine all the assignments/questions of all subjects in one bunch in spiral bounds.
  • Insert the page numbers (on all pages of answer sheet in continuous order).
  • Students of 2nd and 3rd year should write their enrollment numbers on the assignments failing which assignments will not be accepted.
  • A copy of acknowledgement concerning receipt of assignment will be given back to students. The same will be available on the website. Students are required to come with a printout of the same.
  • In case assignments are send by post it should clearly mark “Assignments-NAME OF COURSE” on the top of envelope. The assignment should be submitted in person or by post on the following address:

School of Distance Education,
Jiwaji University, Gwalior – 474011